Youth For Causes

CITI-YMCA Youth For Causes promotes social entrepreneurship and community leadership development among Singapore youths. Tapping into this initiative, a group of St. Joseph’s Institution (SJI) students who named themselves Team Interritus decided to support the SNPC and Singapore’s Paralympic Movement and aspirations by raising awareness and funds.

They were inspired by the para athletes’ optimism and determination. Despite all the setbacks the para athletes had faced, they did not give up on themselves and continued to work hard to achieve their goals. 

They created platforms to raise awareness for the Paralympic Movement by showcasing the talent and hard work of para-athletes in Singapore, along with their success stories.  They hope that this will help to inspire other people with disabilities; that their disabilities do not define them and that nothing is impossible, as long as they put their mind to it. 

With the help and support from everyone that participated and donated, the youths managed to raise a total of $4,023 with the help of one-to-one matching grant. A special shout-out to the SJI students for tirelessly working to promote the Paralympic Movement.